If ordering from the Handango online store, you should provide your RegCode, found on the license screen of the game, when prompted for your "PalmID".
Handango Secure Shopping Cart
If ordering from the eSellerate online store, you will automatically receive your unlock key immediately after the transaction completes.
eSellerate Secure Shopping Cart
Dragon Bane II for the iPhone form the iPhone App Store for $4.99:
WizardWorld for the Tapwave Zodiac is available from the following secure eStores for $19.95:
Dragon Bane II for PalmOS is available from the following secure eStores for $19.95:
Dragon Bane II for Zaurus is available from the following secure eStores for $19.95:
Dragon Bane for PalmOS is available from the following secure eStores for $14.95: