IMPORTANT! Please read all the installation instructions before attempting to install or run WizardWorld.
Wizard World only runs on the Tapwave Zodiac and it requires 7MB of free RAM to run as well as an SD card.
- 1. WizardWorld_nodata.prc is the game program, and it can be installed to the device using the Palm Install utility. Double click the icon to open it with the Palm Installer and then do a hotsync to sync it to the device. As an option, you may install this file on an SD card. If you copy it to the PALM\Launcher directory, then the Tapwave Launcher will be able to find it. Note that any applications that you run from an SD card are always copied to main RAM before running. So the only benefit in doing so is that you will save memory on your device when you're not using the game. You will, however still need to have 7M free memory on the device when you run the game.
- 2. wizardworld480x320.cfl is the data file. This file must be stored in a file system in PALM\Programs\WizardWorld-XFww. One way to do that is use an SD card. If you can read an SD card on your desktop computer, you can insert the card, and create the directory or directories above, then copy the file into that directory. If you don't have an SD card or can't read it from your desktop computer, you can use the Palm Install tool to install the CFL file. After installing it, select the item and click the "Change Destination" button. You'll see an "Install To:" field, and a drop down list where you should be able to select "Internal" for the internal file system. Unfortunately, the Palm Installer only lets you install into the root directory of the internal file system. So you will need a way to create directories and move the file into a PALM\Programs\WizardWorld-XFww directory in the internal file system. One way to do that is using the free third party application called "FileZ". This program is a file manager that lets you create directories and move files between cards and the internal filesystem. You can download FileZ here.
- 3. DevAccess2.0.prc is a simple hack that enables you to run "unsigned" applications on your Tapwave device. You may simply double click this application icon to install it via the Palm Installer, as you did for WizardWorld_nodata.prc. WizardWorld uses the XForge framework which uses certain Tapwave API's that require third party developers to have their applications "signed" by Tapwave before they can run on the device. Unfortunately, Tapwave went out of business, so the only way to run an unsigned application now is to distribute this application.
- 4. Before running WizardWorld, you must first run DevAccess2.0 and make sure the "Access Enabled" checkbox is checked. Then simply exit the application and run WizardWorld. WizardWorld will search for it's data file first in internal memory, then in each of the SD card slots that have a card in them. You must re-do this step every time after the device soft or hard resets or else WizardWorld will give a Fatal Alert