MythoLogical Software Dragon Bane II

Create your own adventure!

The Dragon Bane II Adventure Construction Kit (DB2ACK) allows fans to create their own adventures on their PC and distribute them to other Dragon Bane II players. The DB2ACK is free, and can be used to create relatively simple adventures using only new maps, or sophisticated ones that also use their own sets of graphics and walls. All adventures will run on both the Palm and PocketPC versions of Dragon Bane II.

The DB2ACK uses simple, easy to read, easy to edit text tables to store adventure data, and employs a powerful, yet easy to use map editor for level design. Re-use portions of the "Return of Kra'an" adventure included with the DB2ACK to create your own extensions to the realm. Or modify the data to create your own monsters, spells, characters, character classes, objects, levels, and graphics to create new worlds, bounded only by your imagination.

Use DBACK's powerful visual map editor tool to design your own levels

New Features

Version 1.2 added a special "Developer's Version" of the Dragon Bane II engine to give developers flexibility when testing their adventures. The latest version 1.3 of the DB2ACK is easier than ever to use. A new installer automatically sets up the various components so that everything is "point and click" so users no longer have to learn a cumbersome command line interface. In addition to expanding the documentation, the new DB2ACK includes a highly detailed, illustrated tutorial that walks new users, step by step, through the process of creating a new adventure.


Download the free Dragon Bane II Adventure Construction Kit v1.3 (3.4MB).

Requires desktop computer running any version of MicroSoft Windows.

DB2ACK documentation is included in the above download and is also available online, here.